Monday, May 16, 2011

Journal Entry

Ok sick family again, more rain and I have lost my motivation.  I am working on it.  I have been to another Life Drawing Group Session.  It was interesting.  I used paint this time.  I need to find something to get me motivated.  Sun please come out.  I may need to move on to the art of food.  We will see what happens in the next couple weeks.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Life Drawing

I am now part of a Life Drawing Group.  There is very little instruction, but I had fun.  I played around with drawing without looking at the paper.  I think it would be more fun to paint.  Maybe I will try that next time.  Lucien was fine while I was gone.  I didn't have to worry so much.  I will try to remember that next Saturday.

Monday, May 2, 2011

New Artist of the Month

OK so I couldn't come up with an artist because I am to busy.  So I will paint then find an artist that has a similar style.  I need the fun in my life of free painting.  I will also be taking a life drawing class so that might inspire me.  I figured out that I can do anything I want to do with this blog.  I am not stuck to a particular format especially if it is not working for me.  So onward into my discovery.