Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I like to play with paint.  This is why I have decided to become an artist and explore different artist’s lives and techniques.  I want to find my own special style.  I want to learn the skills to make my playing with the paint more effective.  So I need to learn to draw.  I have been working on noticing shadows today.  It was a cloudy day today so it was not easy to notice the shadows, but I have opened my eyes to see the light and shadow of the objects around me.   I painted a still life, a quick watercolor still life.
  I am realizing that have a lot to learn.  The other day I really needed to play with the paint, so I did and it was fun.  I need to remember to go back to what I think is fun every so often so that I keep my motivation to learn more going.  I like acrylic paint.  It has an ease about it. 

 Watercolor is not easy, but I am slowly learning the techniques needed to make it more fun.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post you have here. Good thing you are interested in exploring your artistic skills. I hope you'll be able to find that special painting style that will suit your personality as an artist. Thanks for sharing.

    John Briner Art
